Etikettarkiv: Hormoner

ADHD: Svårare för flickor

Besvären sitter i längre upp i åldern.
Mer och mer vetenskapliga data kommer som talar för att konsekvenserna av ADHD är svårare för flickor än för pojkar. Som antytts tidigare av kliniska erfarenheter verkar det som om pojkars ADHD går över i högre grad än flickors. På pojkar tenderar ADHD i olika grader att ”växa bort” succesivt medans flickor inte alls verkar ha den tendensen utan prpblematiken kvarstannar i betydligt högre grader. Detta understryker ytterligare vikten av att ta flickors problem på allvar och forska mer kring dem, med större engergi och högre grad av ömhet inför det faktum, att det är mycket som vi fortfarande inte vet, när det gäller flickors och kvinnors ADHD problematik.

Varför tog det så långt tid?
Sedan kan bör man nog också fråga sig, hur kan det egentligen komma sig att det tog så lång tid innan någon lyssnade till det som säkert varit ett faktum väldigt länge. Bara nonchalans räcker inte så långt… tycker jag.

Few girls with childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder show positive adjustment during adolescence.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and its comorbidities in women and girls: an evolving picture.

The neurobiological profile of girls with ADHD

redan 2004 skrevs:Perceptions of Girls and ADHD: Results From a National Survey. vars generella slutsats är ganska glasklar men vad har egentligen hänt?

The general public and adults who are familiar with ADHD agree that the condition is often difficult to recognize in girls and therefore more likely to be undertreated. Overcoming these problems will require education to increase general awareness of the disorder in females and to equip teachers, parents, and healthcare professionals with the tools to recognize specific symptoms. Fortunately, as the diagnostic criteria for ADHD have evolved over the years, more girls’ symptoms are now being recognized and more girls are being appropriately treated.[14,15]

More research is needed to characterize the gender differences in ADHD presentation, course, and comorbidities, particularly mood disorders. To date, there have been no prospective studies solely in female patients with ADHD, although one such trial is currently under way. This survey offers several clues that ADHD may be linked with depression in girls: the general public and teachers observed signs of depression more often in girls than in boys; several of the girls taking ADHD medication report that they had been treated previously with an antidepressant; and the majority of parents recognized signs of depression in their daughters with ADHD. However, much remains to be learned about the apparent association between ADHD and depression: ADHD may indeed coexist with depression or it may simply be misdiagnosed as depression due to overlapping symptom profiles.

The fact that most adults are aware of the underdiagnosis of ADHD in girls is encouraging because it suggests that they will be receptive to learning more about the disorder. With broader awareness of ADHD and better understanding of gender differences in its presentation, girls should no longer have to “suffer silently” with the many social and educational burdens of the disorder.

Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om ADD, ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, flickor, Hormoner, kvinnor, symptom