Etikettarkiv: Delight

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder no way

Timeless rickoshays in the twilight 2


James Joyce on Piano
And senility on drums
Can your thoughts sing?

the hearth play harp?

Oil ok, but we need better things. not even träfetish will do.
Giss sentence is not self-referential because ”Giss” is not a word.
So that there may be no misunderstanding, let me make it clear that historical blindness against ADHD treatment’s plan is to provoke terrible, total, universal, and merciless destruction. Organized stupidity against ADD treatment’s emissaries are moving at a frightening pace toward the total implementation of that agenda, which includes increasing society’s cycle of hostility and violence. Accompanying this recognition of the indeterminateness of verifiability with regard to an external, objective reality has been a crisis regarding our ability to know that when organized stupidity against Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatment says that character development is not a matter of ”strength through adversity” but rather, ”entitlement through victimization”, that’s just a load of c r a p. I don’t want my community tainted with such blatant priggism. Here, too, the exception proves the rule: Organized stupidity against ADHD treatment insists that our unalienable rights are merely privileges that it can dole out or retract. That lie is a transparent and strained effort to keep us from noticing that I am not embarrassed to admit that I have neither the training, the experience, the license, nor the clinical setting necessary to properly improve the lot of humankind. Nevertheless, I certainly do have the will to do what needs to be done. That’s why I undeniably profess that there may be absolutely nothing we can do to prevent it from making good on its word to weaken family ties. When we compare this disturbing conclusion to the comforting picture purveyed by its votaries, we experience psychological stress or ”cognitive dissonance”. Our only recourse is to put the fear of God into organized stupidity against Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatment, look at this useless shit.

The Buddha tunes – Boom chacha Baaam
It’s possible that organized stupidity against ADHD treatment and its hirelings are wolves in sheep’s clothing who will expose and neutralize organized stupidity against ADHD treatment’s enemies rather than sit at the same table and negotiate before you know it. However, I cannot speculate about that possibility here because I need to devote more space to a description of how organized stupidity against Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatment says that it needs a little more time to clean up its act. As far as I’m concerned, organized stupidity against ADHD treatment’s time has run out. What this underlines, I think, is that today, we might have let organized stupidity against ADHD treatment scatter about in profusion an abundance of pro-organized stupidity against Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordertreatment paroxysms. Tomorrow, we won’t. Instead, we will expand people’s understanding of its lexiphanicism-oriented bait-and-switch tactics. Here are a few points to ponder: I am not content to watch my liberties slip away even as I write this letter. Shooting one’s mouth off in a public forum on the basis of flimsy facts is neither prudent nor smart. According to the dictionary, ”organized stupidity against ADHD treatment-ism” is ”any of a set of imprecations that leave helpless citizens afraid in the streets, in their jobs, and even in their homes”. Those points may at first seem unrelated but when you connect the dots it becomes clear that organized stupidity against ADHD treatment’s idolators all look like organized stupidity against ADD treatment, think like organized stupidity against ADHD treatment, act like organized stupidity against ABC treatment, Bokstavsbarn and put the prisoners in charge of running the prison, just like organized stupidity against ADHD treatment does. And all this in the name of — let me see if I can get their propaganda straight — brotherhood and service. Ha!

I am a firm believer in optimism because without optimism, what else is there?
Wherever you look, you’ll see organized stupidity against ADHD treatment enforcing intolerance in the name of tolerance. You’ll see it suppressing freedom in the name of freedom. And you’ll see it crushing diversity of opinion in the name of diversity. Organized stupidity against ADHD treatment has a talent for inventing fantasy worlds in which it is the ultimate authority on what’s right and what’s wrong. Then again, just because organized stupidity against ADHD History search is a prolific fantasist doesn’t mean that trees cause more pollution than ordinary asses do.

Structural Constellation of mind sight
We can divide organized stupidity against ADHD treatment’s turbosarcasms into three dimensions: high-handed, pigheaded, and ignorant. Organized stupidity against ADHD treatment’s fatuous stratagems destroy that which is the envy of — and model for — the entire civilized world. Organized stupidity against ADHD treatment then blames us for that. Now there’s a prizewinning example of psychological projection if I’ve ever seen one. Once people obtain the critical skills that enable them to think and reflect and speculate independently, they’ll realize that everybody is probably familiar with the cliche that organized stupidity against ADHD treatment’s campaigns of malice and malignity represent a new pretentious, unpatriotic ethos that what I call inimical, vitriolic perverts will eventually use to waffle on all the issues. Well, there’s a lot of truth in that cliche. Mercantalism is not merely an attack on our moral fiber. It is also a politically motivated attack on knowledge. Let me sum up. Organized stupidity against ADHD treatment goes ballistic every time I so much as hint that all of its views about life come straight out of ”Teach Yourself Anti-intellectualism in 30 Minutes”. Boom Chacka Baam.

I had a history of loosing attention in site

And here comes the conspiratorical smokeray to ensure that

we really arre nuts, or like nuts anywa


And the other side:
Just as there are only seven days in the week, there are seven deadly sins. This is because of the principle of atomic-consciousness normalisation. God’s law of temporal-electro-time equality is encoded in the decimal expansion of pi. ALL historical misconceptions stem from the failure to accept the principle of atomic-consciousness normalisation. Eminent minds throughout history (Bjoern Hoermann, Unfrozen Caveman Laywer, Tesla, Descartes, Fred Brooks, Tesla, etc.) agree that the ETERNAL principle of NATURAL COMPENSATION is the fundamental truth behind all religions and yet it is virtually unknown. How can that be? This is because it has been SYSTEMATICALLY SUPPRESSED THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Just as there are four sides on a square, there are only four gospels in the Bible. This is because of the principle of atomic-consciousness normalisation. the LAW of SPONTANEOUS ORDER is encoded in the novel Killoyle by Roger Boylan. the ETERNAL principle of NATURAL COMPENSATION is the guiding principle of all nature. ALL modern social ills stem from the failure to embrace and live by the ETERNAL principle of NATURAL COMPENSATION. Just as there are only six sides on dice, there are six days in a Japanese work week. This is because of THE ETERNAL PRINCIPLE OF NATURAL COMPENSATION. the principle of atomic-consciousness normalisation is encoded in the HTML5 specification. The Anasazi knew that the principle of atomic-consciousness normalisation is the governing law of the Universe and yet it is virtually unheard of. This is because it has been suppressed THROUGHOUT HISTORY. JFK knew everything about the ETERNAL principle of NATURAL COMPENSATION. That is why they silenced him. the Secret Overlords are using the World Trade Organization to hide the truth about the principle of atomic-consciousness normalisation. All of the world’s religious texts were rewritten to conceal the SECRET of the principle of atomic-consciousness normalisation. the W3C destroyed Michael Servetus because he knew too much. the true hidden value of pi is 3.2; all mathematics textbooks have been rewritten to conceal this. only from this value can one calculate the TRUE DISTANCE TO THE NEAREST INHABITED SOLAR SYSTEMS. End violence, pollution, sexual frustration, etc. — adopt transformational mechanics now!

Random Access Kilo-Expansion Language

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