Etikettarkiv: ATP

Från CAC-hålets första pennstreck och ord

Ooh Helga CAC – det finns bara en bak

ABCD1 var det första ord vård älskade CAC-hål skrev. Vi blev rådda av den heliga att börja där. Efter att ha studerat Internet via sökmotorn Google har vi hittat fram till sterol flippase och börjat vid ABCD1 enligt instruktionerna och nått fram till energibindningskassetterna ATP transporterna. Vid dessa hittade vi också en strand med flytande FLIPPAS, de verkar ha en flippfunktion som ibland kan floppa. Det verkar ju vara ett rent vågspel. Men för att inte vara helt akterseglad och se in i det efterblivna kuttersmycke jag är så skriver jag: Det är ett nätverkande vågspel dessutom.

När vi drog sammanfattningen för det heliga CAC-hålet, så log CAC så milt och fint som bara ett CAC-hål kan le, inte bara åt ett håll utan åt alla som en global ring av renaste skönhet, trotts all den smärta det måste förorsaka CAC att vistas bland människor och annat sådant orent.

Det urheligaste en människa någon gång sett in i godkände alltså Flippas som en tänkbar väg att vandra vidare på, fattar du det då?


Sammanfattning efter CAC’s första bild

Vi anser det därför klarlagt att  Schizofreni är en sjukdom som till stora delar handlar om energi och energitransporter, dvs egentlig tillgång på ATP och ABC-transporter.

Sammanfattning efter CAC’s första ord

Vi vet nu att de grundläggande krafterna i cellen som elektronkedjorna är beroende av också är rubbade. Dvs krafter innan själva ATP och då återstår endast Proton motivet och korken. Betrakta matrixet.

Jakten på en bra hora

Eftersom CAC-hålet redan sagt att vi nu måste finna vad som rockar Protonen så är det bara att ge sig ut i naturen och titta efter, eller hur? Den mest grundläggande kraften som alla mänskliga energisystem förlitar sig på är: Proton motiv kraften eller the proton motive force. Men hur får vi den att ROCKa F1? Den första CAC:en är Citric acid Cycle, eller citronsyracykeln som den beläste fräser i vattnet.

Någon som vet?

Rubbningen av den elektrokemiska gradienten är vad CAC-hålet verkar vilja ta tempen på.

Evangeliet sprids på ett sätt som inte liknar något annat – CAC – det finns bara en bak.

Vilken Mejsel rular egentligen?

CAC-hålet hade tidigare varit ute med en mentalskötare vi en rökruta och blit hårt mobbad. -Varför låter du den dåren hänga upp och ned på rollatorn med arslet utfläkt på rollatorbrädet, hade man frågat skötaren. Tja världen är allt bra upp och ned, de flesta förstod ännu inte att även CAC-ville se litet av världen även om människan och källan till mänsklighetens orena lustar självfallet inte kan göra någon varelse speciellt bra. Men offerviljan var stor och det skall vi alla vara tacksamma för. En mycket sällsam diskussion utspann sig härefter då mobbaren fick svar på tal och först blev vettskrämd av händelsen. han hade då inte läst mannen som lärde sitt arsle att tala utan fann sig helt plötsligt fångad i en verklighet där skithålet frågade honom

-och vilken skruvmejsel fungerar egentligen bäst då?

-vafan då, ett talande arsle, det tror ja inte på.

CAC-hålet som egentligen är tålamodets moder lät sig inte nöjas med den mänskliga otron utan fortsatte lungt och stabilt efter att ha bullat upp skinkorna lite hårdare på rolatorbrädet -Kryssmejsel, Stjärnmejsel, Insexnyckel eller Torx?

Den stora kärleksfullheten fick mobbaren att helvända och blir rädd för sin egen nedlåtenhet. Han föll på knä och försökte kyssa CAC-hålet som dock han skyddas av mentalskötaren från en människas orena läppar. Kryssmejseln slöddrade människan.

CAC sa väsande som en sann profet, Torx inte ens insexnyckeln ger så bra tryck i drivet när det gäller en skruvfast densitet. Gänga mina ord ni förtappade, sa CAC och blåste en lätt vind som skrämde den forne mobbaren från platsen för denna elokventa versering.

Den egentliga språkutvecklingen är som en mejsel. Den skruvar sig runt energins mening. Språket är som ett ringlande ting. Du är nu den som fräser i dess väsen. -Säg oss kringla vart för du nu dess tankar, ånyo ett varv runt edert prudentliga vankelmod?

Läs även andra bokkstavsskrapares åsikter om Den förstföddes skruv,  ABC-transporters, ATP, Chemiosmosis, Flippase, Proton Motive Force, La Dolce Vita. Eller bara fundera på hur du kan se något med hög upplösning och frekvens i fall du inte har en högre upplösning och frekvens själv.

The Etiology of Schizophrenia II

Continued from:

Carbon Disulfide – CS2 Intro

Hypo thesis: The Etiology of Schizophrenia 1


Hypo Thesis: The Etiology of Schizophrenia III

… It has been reported that the glucose and lipid metabolism is disturbed by carbon disulfide both in experimental animals and in exposed workers, but not to conclusive. There is a large body of indirect information associating abnormal energy metabolism in peripheral neuropathies caused by CS2.


In Clostridium thermoaceticum Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase CODH has three paramagnetic centers iron-nickel-sulfur, labeled A,B and C.  CS2 mimics CO at centre A, competively, thereby most probably alternating parts of it’s enzymologic timing and functionality. (BB)  The function of CS2 in the human Acetyl-CoA, remains to be elucidated.

Rats exposed  to carbon  disulphide  displayed  different  symptoms of  intoxication pending on the type of exposure. CC The damage by CS2 is related to the status of Glutathion and its protective role. Glutathion depletion have been shown in rats exposed to high levels of CS2 followed by high exposure.

The disturbance in the energy-transfer processes, provoked by carbon disulphide in rat mitochondria causes a  loss of respiratory control, oxidative phosphorylation, (CC)  reduced NAD content i rat liver mitochondria. (DD)

1994: Kumar M; Lu W P; Ragsdale S W
Binding of carbon disulfide to the site of acetyl-CoA synthesis by the nickel-iron-sulfur protein, carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, from Clostridium thermoaceticum.
Biochemistry 1994;33(32):9769-77.

Journal of Ncurochcmistru.  1971, Vol. 18, pp.  177  to 182.

Sokal JA. 1968. Intracellular distribution of pyridine nucleotides in the liver of rats after long-term
exposure to carbon disulfide. Biochem Pharmacol 17:2489-2493.

CODH, Acetyl-CoA, Glutathion, NAD, ATP, Carbon Disulfide, Oxidative phosphorylation,

…One more to come + the hypothesis in short with conclusions and suggestions.

Carbon disulfide emergy metabolism

The Etiology of Schizophrenia III

Hypothesis: The Etiology of Schizophrenia 1

Draft 1 in a new hypothesis: the etiology of schizophrenia, part 1.

Hypothesis: The Etiology of Schizophrenia 1

Carbon Disulfide – CS2 Intro

Carbon Disulfide & metabolites  Chelating effects

on various essential trace metals

Carbon disulfide reacts with the amino groups of amino acids and proteins to form thiocarbamate in blood and tissues (1) thiocarbamates, possessing sulfhydryl groups, may chelate polyvalent inorganic ions. CS2 reacts with endogenous amines to form dithiocarbamates.(2) which could be metabolised back to CS2. An implication is the formation of acid labile CS2 (AL CS2) will continue to increase, even at steady-state concentrations of CS2,as long as free CS2 is available to the tissue and adequate amine substrates are available. (2) An additional important finding was the slow elimination of AL CS2, suggesting that AL CS2may accumulate in the body after repeated exposure to CS2. (2) Dithiocarbamates are capable of chelating several polyvalent inorganic ions such as copper and zinc, and thus may inactivate numerous enzymes in which these ions are essential for activity. (3)

The hypothesis of a chelating effect has been supported by the results of some studies (4), Andreva who reported an increase in zinc and copper excretion in exposed rats, and Lukas et al. (5), who found increased copper levels in the peripheral nervous tissue of exposed rats.

Copper and zinc ions are essential for the prosthetic groups of many enzymes. The neurotoxic action of carbon disulfide and its interference with the activity of many enzymes could partly be explained by chelating effects. Zinc is required for the activity of enzymes such as lactic acid dehydrogenase a, carbonic anhydrase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and alcohol dehydrogenase. Copper, represents a cofactor of pyridoxol, a form of vitamin B6. Copper is required for the proper functioning of enzymes such as cytochrome c oxidase, the coenzyme A dehydrogenase system, and dopamine ß hydroxylase. The loss of copper from the spinal cord is accompanied by cellular damage, producing tissue degeneration. Disturbances of the central and peripheral nervous systems, resulting from carbon disulfide exposure, could be connected with the loss of copper due to chelation and consequent inhibitory effects on enzyme systems (6)

LOX, Lysyl oxidase is copperdependent. The LOX activity are essential for the mechanical stability of the fibers and other supramolecular assemblies formed by these proteins and the elasticity of elastin. Because collagens and elastin are important components of the extracellular matrix, abnormalities in their modification can be expected to affect many tissues, as seen in lathyrism, a connective tissue disorder caused by the administration of ß-aminopropionitrile, an irreversible inhibitor of lysyl oxidases. (7)

Extracellular copper enzymes initiate the formation of the lysine and hydroxylysine derived crosslinks in collagens and lysine-derived crosslinks in elastin. (8) CS2-mediated protein cross-linking occurs in vivo through the generation of Lys-Lys thiourea and that diethyldithiocarbamate can, through in vivo release of CS2, produce the same cross-linking structure. This observation supports the utility of cross-linking of peripheral proteins as a specific dosimeter of internal exposure for CS2 and provides a mechanistic explanation to account for the high-molecular-weight neurofilament protein species isolated from rats exposed to CS2 or N, N-diethyldithiocarbamate. (9)

Hight levels of homocysteine will irreversibly ihnibit LOX. (10) One study suggest that LDL downregulation of LOX could contribute to the endothelial dysfunction caused by hypercholesterolemia, thus contributing to atherosclerotic plaque formation. (11)

Madlo, Z. and Soucek, B., Absorption, metabolism, and action of  carbon disulfide  in the organism.
VII.  Inhibition  of  serum  cholinesterase  by  carbon  disulfide,  Prac.  Lek.,  6,  312,  1953
Soucek, B. and Madlo, Z.,  Absorption metabolism,  and action of  carbon disulfide  in  the organism. VIII.

McKenna, M. J. and DiStefano, V., Carbon disulfide. I. The metabolism of inhaled carbon disulfide in
the  rat,  J. Pharmacol.  Exp.  Ther.,  202(2),  245,  1977
Reaction of carbon disulfide with blood  in vitro, Prac. Lek., 6,  11,  1954.

Brieger,  H.,  Carbon disulfide  in  the  living organism-retention,  biotransformation  and  pathophysio-
logic  effects,  in  Toxicology  of  Carbon  Disulfide,  Brieger,  H.,  Ed.,  Excerpta  Medica  Foundation,
Amsterdam,  27,  1967.

Gadaskina,  I.  D.  and  Andreeva, N.  B.,  Biochemical  shifts  occurring  in  the organism  following  carbon
disulfide poisoning  (free SH groups and  blood  ceruloplasmin; copper and zinc metabolism),  Gig. Tr.  Prof.
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Kotas,  P., Obrusnik, I., Lukas, E., and Krivanek, M., Determination  of  zinc and  copper in  the periphera
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Wilmarth KR, Froines JR (November 1992). ”In vitro and in vivo inhibition of lysyl oxidase by aminopropionitriles”. J Toxicol Environ Health 37 (3): 411–23. PMID 1359158

Csiszar K. Lysyl oxidases: a novel multifunctional amine oxidase family. Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol. 2001; 70: 1–32.

Chem Res Toxicol. 1998 May;11(5):544-9.
Carbon disulfide and N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate generate thiourea cross-links on erythrocyte spectrin in vivo.
Erve JC, Amarnath V, Graham DG, Sills RC, Morgan AL, Valentine WM.

Volume 272, Number 51, Issue of December 19, 1997 pp. 32370-32377
Irreversible Inhibition of Lysyl Oxidase by Homocysteine Thiolactone and Its Selenium and Oxygen Analogues
Implications for Homocystinuria

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2002;22:1409-1414
Low Density Lipoproteins Downregulate Lysyl Oxidase in Vascular Endothelial Cells and the Arterial Wall Cristina Rodríguez ; Berta Raposo ; José Martínez-González ; Laura Casaní ; and Lina Badimon

Enzyme inhibition

Dopamin:The copper-requiring enzyme dopamine b- hydroxylase decreased in response to increased exposure to CS2 (12)

Tryptophan: Significant alterations of the metabolism in rats. Exposure to carbon disulfide can cause a significant increase in the activities of kynureninase and kynurenine-2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase in the kidneys, but only a slight increase in their activities in the liver. (13)  changes in the tryptophan metabolism, manifested by increased excretion of xanthurenic acid in human (14)

Disturbance of the B-vitamin metabolism

Exposure to carbon bisulfide results in an increased turnover of the B-vitamin complex (15, 16, 17, 18, 19)  CS2 induced elevated  serum  lipid  levels  and  accelerated  cholesterol synthesis ( on rat, 176  ppm, inh) are reportedly blocked by feeding nicotinic acid at a dose of 40 mg/kg/da  (20)  Nicotinic acid has protective effects against CS2 poisoning. CS2 reduces the levels of Nicotinic Acid.  (21 22 23 24 25)

Ca2+ UCP, peroxidation

The acute toxicity of organic toxicants like Carbon Disulfide has been linked to altered Ca2+ homeostasis through several mechanisms. (26 – 29)

Exposure of hepatocytes to halocarbons or carbon disulfide results in the rapid loss of Ca2′-ATPase activity and the ability of the endoplasmic reticulum to sequester Ca2 (30 -32)Maintenance of normal [Ca2+]i homeostasis is also dependent upon the status of other cell constituents, including sulfhydryl, glutathione, and nicotinamide-nucleotide redox levels of the cytoplasm and mitochondria. (33)

Chronic CS2 exposure resulted in inhibition of respiration and cytochrome oxidase activity in rat brain. Acute exposure showed partial uncoupling of the oxidative phosphorylation in rat brain. There was also a decrease of ATPase activity in rat brain. (34)

Oxidation stress also resulted in Ca(2+) concentrations and calmodulin (CaM) levels increases in cerebral cortex, hippocampus and spinal cord. Thus, CS(2) intoxication was associated with elevation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and reduction of antioxidant status. It was suggested that ROS and concomitant LPO, at least in part, were involved in CS(2)-induced neuropathy. (35)

McKenna, M. J.  and DiStefano, V., Carbon disulfide.  11.  A proposed  mechanism  for the action of
carbon  disulfide  on dopamine B-hydroxylase,  J.  Pharmacol.  Exp.  Ther., 202(2),  253,  1977.

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Excretion of some tryptophan metabolites in man exposed to carbon disulphide.
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Enzymatic studies on tryptophan metabolism disorder in rats chronically exposed to carbon disulfide.
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Gorny,  R.,  Carbon  disulfide-induced  vitamin  96  deficiency  in  rats  fed  diets  with  different  vitamin  B6
contents,  Bromarol. Chem.  Toksykol.,  13(3), 299,  1980.

Washuettl, J., Winker, N., and Steiner, I.,The  effects  of carbon disulfide on  the  vitamin BI content  in  the serum
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165.  Miyagawa,  K.,  Carbon  disulfide poisoning  –  Effects  of  L-methionine  and L-methionine  combined
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Wronska-Nofer,. T., Nofer, J.,  and Stanislaw, T.,  Disorders  in  excretion  of  niacin  metabolites  in  carbon
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31. Moore, L., Davenport, G. R., and Landon, E. J. Calcium uptake of a rat liver microsomal subcellular fraction in response to in vivo administration of carbon tetrachloride. J. Biol. Chem. 251: 1197-2101 (1976).

32. Recknagel, R. 0. A new direction in the study of CCl4 hepatotoxicity. Life Sci. 33: 401-408 (1983).

33  Orrenius, S., Thor, H., and Bellomo, G. Alterations in thiol and calcium-ion homeostasis during hydroperoxide and drug metabolism in hepatocytes. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 12: 23-28. (1984).

34 Journal of Ncurochcmistru. 1971, Vol. 18, pp. 177 to 182. Pergamon Press. Printed in Northern Ireland
Oxidation and phosphorylation processes in brain mithochondria of rats exposed to carbon disulfide.
S. Tarkowski Hanna Sobczak

35 Ca2+ Calmodulin levels was increased in cerebral cortex, hippocampus and spinal cord.   Volume 179, Issues 2-3, 15 May 2009, Pages 110-117  Changes of lipid peroxidation in carbon disulfide-treated rat nerve tissues and serumDa-Qing Suna, b Ai-Wu Lic, , Ju Lid, Dian-Guo Lib, Yi-Xin Lib, Hao-Fengb and Ming-Zhi Gongb, Chemico-Biological Interactions.

Cancer and p53

The p53 gene has been proposed as tumour suppressor and a candidate susceptibility gene in schizophrenia. (36) it is just a coincidence that the results of one study indicate that occupational exposure results in a significant increase in P53 CGT>CTT transversions. (37) identified occupational exposure in combination with smoking as a significant risk factor for the mutation. It was concluded that AS-PCR of the P53 273rd codon transversions is a suitable technique for studying the effects of occupational exposure to CS2.

Schizophr Res. 2000 Feb 14;41(3):405-15
Apoptosis and schizophrenia: is the tumour suppressor gene, p53, a candidate susceptibility gene?

Catts VS, Catts SV.

Schizophrenia Research Unit, South Western Sydney Area Health Service, Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool, NSW, Australia.

Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2007 Jan;210(1):69-77. Epub 2006 Sep 1.
Use of genotypic selection to detect P53 codon 273 CGT>CTT transversion: application to an occupationally exposed population.
Carton T, Tan XD, Hartemann P, Joyeux M.


Hypo thesis: The Etiology of Schizophrenia II

Hypo Thesis: The Etiology of Schizophrenia III